The 100 Great Britons project is an initiative to celebrate the outstanding individuals who have made significant contributions to British society. It aims to honour their achievements and showcase their legacies for generations to come.
The selection process involves a combination of public nominations and voting. Members of the public nominate individuals they believe deserve recognition as Great Britons, and then everyone has the opportunity to vote for their favourites from the list of nominees.
Anyone British who has made a significant and positive impact on British society, culture, or history is eligible to be nominated. This includes individuals from various fields such as arts, science, sports, politics, literature, and more.
Nominations can be submitted through our website during the specified nomination period. Simply fill out the nomination form with the details of the individual you wish to nominate, along with a explanation of their achievements and why you believe they deserve recognition.
Yes, you can nominate multiple individuals as Great Britons if you believe they have all made significant contributions worthy of recognition.
Once the nomination period ends, the list of nominees will be presented for public voting on our website. Simply visit the voting page, select your favourite nominees from the list, and submit your vote.
No, only individuals who have been nominated by the public are eligible for voting. If you believe someone deserving has been overlooked, you can nominate the person and encourage others to vote for them
The final list of 100 Great Britons will be announced after the voting period ends and the votes have been tallied. Stay tuned to our website and social media channels for updates on the announcement.
The achievements and legacies of the 100 Great Britons will be celebrated through various events, publications, and educational initiatives. Their stories will continue to inspire and educate people about the greatness of Britain.
You can help promote the project by sharing information about it on social media, encouraging others to nominate and vote, and participating in discussions about the nominees and their contributions.
The “100 Great Britons” featured on our website were selected based on a combination of historical impact, cultural significance, and public polls. We also consulted with historians and scholars to ensure a balanced representation from various fields and time periods. It’s worth noting that any list of this nature is subjective, and while we believe our list captures a broad spectrum of British influence, there will always be more individuals deserving of recognition.
For each of the “100 Great Britons” featured, we provide a concise summary of their achievements and significance. If you wish to delve deeper into the life and contributions of any individual, we have included references and recommended readings at the end of their profiles, as well as links to trusted online resources.
While many Britons have made significant contributions to their respective fields and to society at large, it’s a challenging task to narrow down to just 100 individuals. Some decisions were made based on the broader impact, time period representation, or other criteria. We appreciate feedback and suggestions, and we’re always open to considering updates in future editions of our list.

The “100 Great Britons” featured on our website were selected based on a combination of historical impact, cultural significance, and public polls. We also consulted with historians and scholars to ensure a balanced representation from various fields and time periods. It’s worth noting that any list of this nature is subjective, and while we believe our list captures a broad spectrum of British influence, there will always be more individuals deserving of recognition.

While many Britons have made significant contributions to their respective fields and to society at large, it’s a challenging task to narrow down to just 100 individuals. Some decisions were made based on the broader impact, time period representation, or other criteria. We appreciate feedback and suggestions, and we’re always open to considering updates in future editions of our list.

For each of the “100 Great Britons” featured, we provide a concise summary of their achievements and significance. If you wish to delve deeper into the life and contributions of any individual, we have included references and recommended readings at the end of their profiles, as well as links to trusted online resources.