
Join us in commemorating the exceptional individuals who have left an indelible mark on British history. As we honour the most influential figures across the UK, we invite support from every corner of the nation to make this celebration truly remarkable.

Be a Part of Honouring Britain’s Legacy

Your support is crucial in championing the greatness of Great Britain. By becoming a supporter, you not only contribute to the recognition of remarkable individuals but also inspire future generations to uphold their legacy.

Whether you reside in England, Scotland, Wales, or Northern Ireland, your participation matters. Let\\\\’s unite in celebrating the diverse talents and achievements that define our nation\\\\’s rich heritage.

Together, let’s ensure that the contributions of these remarkable individuals are remembered and celebrated for generations to come.

The ”100 Great Britons” project is a celebration of diversity and achievement that embodies the spirit of Britain. It aims to spotlight the many individuals—both celebrated and unsung—who have shaped our nation’s history and current stature. This initiative highlights our commitment to recognising and celebrating the diversity and excellence within the UK.

A Tribute to the Many Faces of Greatness

Britain\\\\’s greatness extends beyond its most famous individuals; it is woven through the stories of countless contributors who enrich our society every day. This project aims to bring these stories to light, featuring everyone from eminent scientists and artists to pivotal activists, and showcasing the depth of British excellence.

The Power of Recognition

The ”100 Great Britons” project has grown from a recognition of how celebrating diverse achievements and narratives can inspire and unite people across the nation. By highlighting our collective achievements, this project fosters a sense of pride and unity throughout the UK.

Envisioning a United and Diverse Britain

”100 Great Britons” is more than just a list; it’s a vision for a united and diverse Britain. It offers an opportunity for all to celebrate the qualities that define us—resilience, creativity, and community spirit. This initiative is about demonstrating the incredible talent and spirit that thrive across our nation.

An Invitation to Contribute and Celebrate

We invite everyone to join in this celebration. Your nominations and votes will shape a narrative that reflects the diverse character of Britain. This project allows us to acknowledge those who inspire us and make us proud to be British, not just historically, but also today and into the future.

Looking Forward with 100 Great Britons

As we move forward with the ”100 Great Britons” project, we look to the future and what can be achieved when we come together to celebrate our diversity and unity. This initiative is a step toward a future where every contribution is valued, every story is heard, and the greatness of Britain is seen through the collective achievements of its people.

Join us in making ”100 Great Britons” a landmark project that celebrates the best of Britain—a project that recognises our past, enriches our present, and inspires our future.

Ian Thomas

My Personal Journey to Launching ‘100 Great Britons’

My path over the last 30 years has been more than just a career – it’s been a personal mission to champion diversity and celebrate the best of British spirit and achievement.

The launch of the “100 Great Britons” project is a culmination of these years of experience, a venture that reflects my deep-seated belief in the power of recognising and celebrating the goodness and diversity in our nation.

A Tribute to the Many Faces of Greatness

Britain’s greatness is not confined to a few famous names; it’s woven through the stories of countless individuals who contribute to our society every day. This project aims to highlight not just well-known figures but also the unsung heroes who form the backbone of our nation. From scientists and artists to activists and creativity that define our nation. The “100 Great Britons” project seeks to bring these stories into the limelight, offering a platform for acknowledging the breadth and depth of British excellence.

Drawing from Personal Experience

My decision to launch this project is deeply influenced by my own experiences in the diversity and inclusion sector. I’ve witnessed how recognition can inspire, empower, and bring people together. I’ve seen the positive impact that comes from celebrating diverse achievements and narratives. This project is a way to extend that impact on a national scale – to foster a sense of pride and unity across the UK by highlighting our collective achievements.

Envisioning a United and Diverse Britain

The “100 Great Britons” is more than a list; it’s a vision for a united and diverse Britain. It’s an opportunity for us to come together and celebrate the qualities that make us uniquely British – our resilience, our creativity, our sense of community. It’s about showing the world, and reminding ourselves, of the incredible talent and spirit that exist across the UK.

An Invitation to Contribute and Celebrate

I invite everyone to join in this celebratory journey. Your nominations and votes will help shape a narrative that truly reflects the multifaceted nature of Britain. This project is a chance for us to acknowledge those who have inspired us, challenged us, and made us proud to be British – not just in the past, but today, and into the future.

Looking Forward with ‘100 Great Britons’

As we embark on the “100 Great Britons” project, we’re not just looking back at what has been achieved; we’re looking forward to what can be accomplished when we come together to celebrate our diversity and unity. This project is a stepping stone towards a future where every contribution is valued, where every story is heard, and where the greatness of Britain is seen through the collective achievements of its people.

Join me in making the “100 Great Britons” a landmark project that celebrates the best of Britain – a project that recognises our past, enriches our present, and inspires our future.

Ian Thomas